Saturday, November 12, 2005

Peace to everybody

So I am here again, feeling very Zen-ish today. How is everybody out there? This is my first visit since last spring. I've been writing, writing ... thought I'd post another opera poem ... it's not very peace-full though, so I'm adding one that's looking for peace and wishing everybody a way towards peace. Just looking to see where it is makes me feel less at war with the world. Here's a nice thought for Shabbat from Jane Hirschfield's essay book Nine Gates:

You should study the green mountains, using numerous worlds as your standards.

Two poems are coming later today. I'm going to shul first.


Blogger Esther Altshul Helfgott said...

Thanks for this, Pat. I love Hirshfield's Nine Gates.

Shalom Aleichem,


3:26 PM  

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